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S&F Prod.

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Start the game with any of the following command line arguments to enable the cheats in Contra.

FXSkip the intro and turn on invincibility mode
FLF Press F5 to dump the CGA video memory to the file SCREEN.PIC
Press F10 to quit the game
Press + to warp to the next level
(The command line argument should actually be FL, but there's a bug in the game, so FLF works better.)
XSlow down the game
SSlow down the game even further
L0#Warp to level # by replacing # by a number between 1 and 9

The cheats in Gryzor are very similar.

NXSkip the intro and turn on invincibility mode
NL Press F5 to dump the CGA video memory to the file SCREEN.PIC
Press F10 to quit the game
Press + to warp to the next level
SStart the game with sound effects turned off. Turn it back on by pressing F2
L0#Warp to level # by replacing # by a number between 1 and 9

When you quit the game, it should show the following text, but thanks to a bug this text is shown in black letters on a black background.

       Game Over

...Thanks for playing...

<       Konami         >
< Banana   Development >

Blasting with cheats through the DOS version of Contra

