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S&F Prod. |
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In all the versions of Monster Bash press P + F10
to pause the game and press M + F10 to see how
much memory you have available. In the registered version, press
Z + F10 to get five lifes.
The following hex cheats are for version 2.1 of the registered version of episode 1 only.
Use UNP to decompress BASH1.EXE and edit the decompressed BASH1.EXE with a hex editor.
Change the five lifes cheat into invincibility mode. You won't be notified
that you are in invincibility mode, so the only way to see whether it
works is to get hurt and see if you lose some health. When you start a new
level you'll be vulnerable again. So you need to activate this cheat again
if you want to stay invincible.
Original C7 06 AA 4D 05 00
Patch 81 36 90 22 01 00
Press G + F10, instead of Z + F10, to activate the five lifes cheat/invincibility mode.
Original 80 3E D3 92 00
Patch 80 3E C9 92 00
Change the pause cheat into a warp cheat. Once you have warped to another level
the maximum health you can have is lowered to three health points.
Original E8 F0 ED
Patch E8 FC E8
Press W + F10, instead of P + F10, to activate the pause/warp cheat.
Original 80 3E C0 92 00
Patch 80 3E B8 92 00
The following hex cheats are for version 2.1 of the registered version of episode 2 only.
Use UNP to decompress BASH2.EXE and edit the decompressed BASH2.EXE with a hex editor.
Change the five lifes cheat into invincibility mode. You won't be notified
that you are in invincibility mode, so the only way to see whether it
works is to get hurt and see if you lose some health. When you start a new
level you'll be vulnerable again. So you need to activate this cheat again
if you want to stay invincible.
Original C7 06 94 4D 05 00
Patch 81 36 1C 1E 01 00
Press G + F10, instead of Z + F10, to activate the five lifes cheat/invincibility mode.
Original 80 3E 25 92 00
Patch 80 3E 1B 92 00
Change the pause cheat into a warp cheat. Once you have warped to another level
the maximum health you can have is lowered to three health points.
Original E8 FE ED
Patch E8 0A E9
Press W + F10, instead of P + F10, to activate the pause/warp cheat.
Original 80 3E 12 92 00
Patch 80 3E 0A 92 00
The following hex cheats are for version 2.1 of the registered version of episode 3 only.
Use UNP to decompress BASH3.EXE and edit the decompressed BASH3.EXE with a hex editor.
Change the five lifes cheat into invincibility mode. You won't be notified
that you are in invincibility mode, so the only way to see whether it
works is to get hurt and see if you lose some health. When you start a new
level you'll be vulnerable again. So you need to activate this cheat again
if you want to stay invincible.
Original C7 06 B4 4C 05 00
Patch 81 36 B6 1E 01 00
Press G + F10, instead of Z + F10, to activate the five lifes cheat/invincibility mode.
Original 80 3E 2B 91 00
Patch 80 3E 21 91 00
Change the pause cheat into a warp cheat. Once you have warped to another level
the maximum health you can have is lowered to three health points.
Original E8 FE ED
Patch E8 0A E9
Press W + F10, instead of P + F10, to activate the pause/warp cheat.
Original 80 3E 18 91 00
Patch 80 3E 10 91 00
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