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S&F Prod. |
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At the copy protection screen, where you see Bart's head, type I NEED HELP SO LET ME SKIP THE HEADS.....
to skip the heads and the copy protection, and to go straight to the title screen.
At the title screen, where the Simpson family is watching TV, type COWABUNGA to get unlimited lives.
Or type -EATMYSHORTS (the - on your numpad, not the one above the letters.) to get
unlimited lives and the ability to go to the next level by pressing F.
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On the "The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants" floppy disk, there is a way to get to the boss
at the end of the level without fulfilling the required number of goals. "What the hell are you
talking about?" you might think. Well, I'm going to be a lifesaver to you, hardcore fans.
When Bart Simpson reaches the end of a level without fulfilling enough goals, a barrier stops him from facing the boss of the level.
It's possible to go through the barrier by running right towards the barrier and pressing left at the last moment. If done right,
Bart will slide through the barrier.
Here's a video of me speedrunning level 1. I use the sliding trick to pass the barrier.
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- AVGN: The Simpsons The Angry Video Game Nerd reviews two Simpsons games: The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants and The Simpsons: Bart vs. the World. He reviews the NES versions, but the NES version of The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants is very similar to the PC version.
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