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S&F Prod. |
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These cheats work for Starcraft and Starcraft Brood War. Press enter (message mode) then
type the following cheats:
black sheep wall | Full map |
breathe deep | 500 vespene gas |
food for thought | Ignore supply limit |
game over man | You lose, no matter what |
man over game | You win, no matter what |
medieval man | Unit functions fully enabled |
modify the phase variance | Build anything |
noglues | Enemy has no mana |
operation cwal | Very fast building and instant upgrades |
power overwhelming | Invincibility |
show me the money | 10.000 minerals and gas |
something for nothing | Everything upgraded (only once) |
staying alive | Continue after mission completed |
the gathering | Unlimited mana |
there is no cow level | Skip mission |
war aint what it used to be | No fog of war |
whats mine is mine | 500 minerals |
The level warp cheats for Starcraft:
ophelia | Enable mission select. Then use one of the following (MN is Mission Number between 1 and 10) |
protoss MN | Go to Protoss mission MN |
zerg MN | Go to Zerg mission MN |
terran MN | Go to Terran mission MN |
And for the Brood War expansion:
ophelia | Enable mission select. Then use one of the following (MN is Mission Number between 1 and 8) |
xprotoss MN | Go to Protoss mission MN |
xzerg MN | Go to Zerg mission MN |
xterran MN | Go to Terran mission MN (between 1 and 10) |
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There is a fun bonus level in Starcraft Brood War that hints on events to come in
Starcraft II. Finish level 9 of episode VI, the one with the Zerg, in under 25
minutes to unlock this level. Play the bonus level and find out what evil
Samir Duran is up to.
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If you didn't already knew, I'll tell you now. Your units start to say funny things when
you keep pushing (read clicking on) them. And when you click on critters, like the Rhynadon,
the Kakaru and the Scantid, so they reply for 14 times they explode in a nuclear fashion.
This explosion doesn't hurt anybody though, so it isn't a good tactic to make a critter
explode in an enemy encampment.
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