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The Dark Project
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Looking Glass, 1998, 2000
In the Thief series, you assume the role of Garrett, a cynical master
thief in The City. A place that is the shadowy battleground of three
factions, the fanatical Hammerites, the animistic Pagans, and the secluded
Keepers with whom Garrett has severed his ties.
The first two Thief games are a couple of original games utilizing a
first person perspective. A mode that is commonly used in first person
shooters, a genre often plagued with uninspired rehashes of shoot the bad
guys. Although on the surface the Thief games might seem typical
shooters - to look at the world you must look past your weapon - your
attitude should not be.
While an experienced quaker can probably finish the games with an
aggressive style on the lower difficulty settings, the game is designed to
be played like a careful, sneaky thief. To this end, a couple of things
are different from the norm. Firstly, the game's protagonist is not
like Rambo, except for his ability to blend in with his surroundings.
He is quite weak in open combat. You can take out an unsuspecting guard
with one shot, but an alerted guard is much harder to kill. So it
becomes important not to alert anyone, to keep quiet and stay out of sight,
until an opportunity for a quick knockout presents itself.
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The games are driven by a strong story line, which is presented subtly
in diary fragments and overheard conversations and overtly in powerful mission
briefings in style reminiscent of
La Jetée
(which just means that it is a powerful movie made up of stills and narration).
The differences between Thief 1 and 2 are minimal. Although many
of the enemies of Thief 1 do not make an appearance in Thief 2, the look
and feel of the games are rather similar. For games of such
originality and quality this can hardly be considered a disadvantage.
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Instant victory
To finish your current mission without much effort, press
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-End (in that order).
Level Select Cheat
It's possible to start at a different mission than normal by editing
user.cfg (or dark.cfg) in the
Thief directory. Add a line that says for example
starting_mission 7. When you start a new
game, you'll start at level 7.
Money Cheat
It is also possible to give yourself some extra spending money. This
time add a line that says for example cash_bonus 8000
to user.cfg. Now 8000 gold is added to your total
in the shopping screen, but only once per start of the game. When you
need to get the bonus another time, save the game, exit to windows, restart
Thief and reload your game.
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Thief 2 Cheats
In addition to the cheats listed above, in Thief 2 the following cheats
also work, but you have to add cheats_active to
user.cfg first.
Remove Locks
Adding the line lockcheat makes every door and
chest in the level unlocked, so there's no need to carry keys anymore.
No Commandments
By adding the line nokillgoalcheat, you don't
have to adhere to the "Don't kill any innocents." rules, to reach the
next level.
More Commandments
When you want to have a harder time with the game, it's also possible
to add more mission objectives. The options are:
FailOnKill | "Don't kill anyone." |
failOnKO | "Don't knock anyone out." |
FailOnSee | "Don't be seen." |
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Team Quotes
Looking Glass has a tradition of putting a selection of funny quotes in their
games as Easter Eggs. Also, one of Thief's main designers, the famous Warren
Spector, likes to put a basketball court in every one of his games. In Thief
1 they are both hidden in the training mission.
To get to this place you have to start the training mission on the highest
difficulty level - don't worry, it's still quite easy. Right after you have
sparred with the guard and he starts to leave, grab the key from the table
and dash past him. Now you are in the basketball court, the quotes are written
on the bedroll that lies in the corner (read it like a scroll).
Blooper Mission
Thief Gold is an extended version of Thief 1. In addition to a couple of extra
regular levels, it also contains a special blooper level. Some things you might
find there are dancing zombies, walking chests, beta versions of some enemies,
a funny picture of Garrett himself and all sorts of funny stuff. The intro
movie cracked me up especially.
How do you get to this blooper mission you ask? Well, its number is 16 so
make 16 the starting mission with the level select cheat mentioned
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