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S&F Prod. |
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Raven Software, Id Software, 1994
Heretic is like an elaborate modification of Doom, everything has been changed from the
space marine theme to a dungeons and dragons theme. All the Doom weapons have been
changed, but there characteristics remain the same, the staff behaves like fists, the
gauntlets like the chain saw, the ethereal crossbow like the shotgun, the dragon claw like
a chain gun, the phoenix rod like a rocket launcher, etc.
However, there are some plusses where the designers have
added something original that really lifts the title above mediocrity. There are for
example the Tome of Power, an item that radically changes the behavior of the weapons,
and the Morph Ovum, an item that turns enemies into chickens.
But what makes Heretic truly outstanding are the
gauntlets of the necromancer. The sound effects of this weapon are superb, when readied
you can hear the electricity in the air, and the 'Dzjing' sound it makes when engaging a
fight make it the light sabre of computer games.
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cockadoodledoo | Act like a chicken (snap fingers) |
engage## | Level warp to Episode #, Level #. |
gimme$# | Free artifacts. $ is an artifact, # is the quantity (1 to 9): |
A: Ring of Invincibility |
B: Shadow Sphere |
C: Quartz Flask |
D: Mystic Urn |
E: Tome of Power |
F: Torch |
G: Time Bomb of the Ancients |
H: Morph Ovum |
I: Wings of Wrath |
J: Chaos Device |
iddqd | Suicide |
idkfa | Lose all weapons |
kitty | No clipping |
massacre | Everything dies |
ponce | Full health |
quicken | God mode |
rambo | All weapons |
ravmap | Full map. Use at map screen, once for the whole map, twice for all objects. |
shazam | Instant Tome of Power |
skel | All keys |
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Heretic Series: [ Heretic | Heretic 2 ]
Doom Engine Series: [ Doom | Heretic ]
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