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S&F Prod. |
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Id Software, 1996
As the first real 3D action game, Quake immediately set the bar high for other first
person shooters following it. Although the story line is meager and the level design
inconsistent (what's the deal with those high tech military bases integrated with medieval
castles?), the gameplay, animations and multiplayer capabilities are incredibly good.
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First press tilde (~) to enter the console, then type the following:
fly | Fly mode |
give 1 | Get the Axe |
give 2 | Get the Shotgun |
give 3 | Get the Double-Barrelled Shotgun |
give 4 | Get the Nailgun |
give 5 | Get the Super Nailgun |
give 6 | Get the Grenade Launcher |
give 7 | Get the Rocket Launcher |
give 8 | Get the Thunderbolt |
give c # | Set cells to # |
give h # | Set health to # |
give n # | Set nails to # |
give r # | Set rockets to # |
give s # | Set shells to # |
god | God mode |
impulse -1 | Quad damage |
impulse 11 | Get a rune |
impulse 255 | Quad damage |
impulse 9 | All weapons, ammo and keys |
kill | Commit suicide |
map e#m# | Level warp to Episode #, Map # |
noclip | No clipping |
notarget | Monsters aren't hostile until you hit them |
skill # | Change skill to level # [0-3] (effective upon level change) |
sv_gravity # | Set gravity to #% |
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- Console Planet Quake hosts a complete list of available console commands.
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