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S&F Prod. |
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Archives Volume III: January 2002 - December 2002
This is where you can read our old news items and other interesting stories.
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| On Warez and Whiners | |
Sander » 16-Nov-2002 | |
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Lately people on our guestbook have been requesting that we put full versions up for
download on the site. Some have even resorted to childish name calling. That is totally
unnecessary, because this is The Internet, people! If you can't find your precious warez
here, there are plenty of other sites that do offer full version downloads.
For instance, if you are looking for one of the older classics featured on our site all
you have to do is search for 'abandonware'. Abandonware is software that is no longer supported by its
publisher or sold in stores. Although it is technically illegal, often the only way to get
these old programs is downloading them from the various abandonware websites. The other way is trying your
luck on auction sites like eBay.
Home of
the Underdogs is the very best abandonware site on the net. When you want to have a game
that's featured on our site don't whine on the guestbook that we don't offer it
! You can most likely get
it here.
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| Dark Ages Level Viewer | |
Frenkel » 22-Oct-2002 | |
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The past few weeks I've worked on a level viewer for
Dark Ages. It's not perfect, but I've worked
long enough on this program and I thought it was time for another update. It's not just
another level viewer, it's my first attempt at smooth scrolling in EGA!
So go to the Dark Ages page and
download Daview.
| Caption Contribution Contest | |
Sander » 05-Sep-2002 | |
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You've probably all seen the screenshots on our site, you've probably all read the
captions, and you've probably all thought "Hey, that's not hilarious, not even close! My
witty remarks are much funnier!" Well then, we're open for your contribution.
When you think you know a good caption for any of the screenshots on our website, e-mail it to us. If it's any good, we'll
put it up. In return we'll mention your name (or nickname) and add a link to your homepage
(when you've got one). Be sure to include the name of the game and, if there's more than one
image on that page, if your caption is for the first, second or any other image.
| View the Pyramids of Egypt | |
Frenkel » 18-Jul-2002 | |
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I've made a level viewer for Pyramids of Egypt,
a fun but hard CGA game by John Romero. Download Pyraview here.
| Willy and Dave | |
Frenkel » 15-Jul-2002 | |
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On request I changed my Spit Wad Willy extractor. It now supports Pea
Shootin' Pete, which is almost the same game. Download Swwpspex here.
I also wrote a program that shows the EGA pictures of Dangerous Dave. Get it at the
Dangerous Dave page.
| Even more Updates | |
Sander » 01-Jul-2002 | |
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Hmm, it looks like it's been 2 months already since this news page has last been updated. At
least when not counting days that is.
Anyway, the problems with the server haven't been fixed as I wrongly stated in my last
post. The problem being that our space on the server is only 10 Mb instead of the 25 Mb that
should be available. I have worked around this by removing our own music files, I doubt
anyone was ever interested in them anyway .
I'll throw in a list of updates now:
- Added 10 new midi's to the sound system.
- Changed the appearance of the links so it is easier on the eyes (it doesn't make you
- The font size should be more the same on different browsers (who wouldn't notice that).
- Added section links on the games page, those section names between brackets are now
- Simplified the wallpaper page.
- Probably added some games to the games page, but
I'm not sure, why don't you take a look
| Updates, Updates and Updates | |
Sander » 29-Apr-2002 | |
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We had some problems with the server that stopped us from updating our website, but now
the thing works again so we've got a few updates:
Because the background picture should be in one piece it matters which screen size the
visitor has, so now we've incorporated a script that detects the screen size and changes the
background picture accordingly. There are five new wallpapers made because of that, they're
all the same image in different sizes.
Secondly the
changes constantly when clicked on.
Thirdly the meta tags are changed, the description is improved a bit.
Finally we've got two redirect urls now namely http://www.sfprod.cjb.net and http://www.sfprod.tk. The first one is preferred though, it behaves better
with respect to our counter.
Oh, and please sign our guestbook. ;-), hmmm I mean .
| Crystal Caves | |
Frenkel » 24-Mar-2002 | |
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I wrote a little program to dump the tiles of
Crystal Caves episode 1. Go to the Crystal
Caves page, download Cc1dump and sign
our guestbook :).
| More Catacombs | |
Frenkel » 23-Mar-2002 | |
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I finally got my hands on Catacomb. I tested the
Sndplay player on it and it worked. I
didn't have to change a thing in the source code. But I did change the source code, so the
program is even faster than before.
Catacomb is the first game in the Catacomb series and The Catacomb is the second game. I
included both on a single page, because they're
very similar. There are some little differences. For instance: In Catacomb there are no cheats
as far as I know, but in The Catacomb there are cheats for God mode and Level warp. And in
Catacomb you can choose between CGA and EGA mode and in The Catacomb the program itself
decides which mode suits your system best (probably EGA).
PS. Please sign our guestbook! :)
| New! URL and Guestbook | |
Sander » 24-Feb-2002 | |
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Good news for everyone who can't remember the url of this site because of its length. If
all goes well then soon http://www.sfprod.tk
will be another url by which we can be reached.
Because we love to hear from you we have put a guestbook on our site. So tell us what you
have to say about the site or about anything else.
| Street Fighter I, It Exists | |
Frenkel » 07-Feb-2002 | |
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I wrote some simple programs for Street Fighter.
You can download them at the Street Fighter page.
| New Commander Keen Game | |
Sander » 12-Jan-2002 | |
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We haven't wished you a happy new year yet, have we? Well then A happy new year to you all!
Only 353 more days to go.
We haven't been sitting still here either, we've created our very first on-line game! It's
called Keen's Slot Machine. It basically is what it sounds like: a slot machine game with
Commander Keen treasures from all episodes, and Commander Keen himself comments on
your progress with over 100 'clever' remarks. Oh and since we're from Europe the active
currency in the game is the euro (€).
The game comes in two sizes. A small one that loads in the space normally occupied by
. And because this is
probably too small for people with high resolution monitors there is also a larger one that
opens in a separate window.
The small one: Keen's Slot Machine.
The larger one: Keen's Slot Machine XL.
Hope you like it!
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